Halifax Examiner · Posted: Sept 27, 2022 9:05 AM AT | Last Updated: September 27, 2022

This article is no longer available on the Halifax Examiner website. Please go through the photos below to read more about Erin's story, her ongoing journey to justice, and the impacts of sexual harassment and assault on a wider scale. Erin, we stand with you.
In an interview with Yvette d’Entremont from The Halifax Examiner, Erin McDonough, an Elizabeth Fry client, bravely and openly shared her experiences with sexual-based discrimination, bullying, harassment, and sexual assault in the workplace, and reflected on how her life is forever changed: “You basically have to grieve the person you were before all this stuff happened. One of the biggest struggles for me was I just wanted to get back to what I was like before the assault happened, and before everything happened, and I can’t. I’m a completely different person now.”
According to Emma Halpern, our executive director and manager of legal services, occurrences of workplace sexual harassment and assault continue to be far too common: “You don’t have to take it from me, you just have to open a newspaper to see the number of sexual harassment and sexual assault cases that come out of those male-dominated workplaces everywhere, from policing to the military to corrections. We know that is happening across this country.”
